Thursday, October 22, 2009


1. Complete a warm up
Perform 5-10 minutes of light aerobic exercise followed by stretching exercises to all major muscle groups.

2. Start with a light weight
Start with a low weight and only increase the resistance is proper technique can be maintained.

3. Use a spotter
Ideally you should have someone ‘spot’ each of the dumbell exercises you perform. Spotting involves carefully watching the lifts.

4. Avoid dropping dumbells
Do not drop or throw the dumbells to the floor once an exercise has been completed rather lower under control. Suddenly dropping them will release this tension rapidly increasing the risk of muscle tears.

5. Designing a program
The dumbell exercises you select, the amount of weight you use and the number of sets and repetitions you complete depends on your training outcome. Dumbell exercises can be used to develop maximal strength, strength endurance, explosive power or increased muscle mass.

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